

Meanwhile, work has started on additional lights along Gloucester Parkway.

A couple quick road updates for you…

Ashburn’s latest traffic lights have gone active at the congested intersection of Ryan Road and Northstar Boulevard in Brambleton. After the required three days of flashing yellow, the red and greens came on this morning. The large intersection was supposed to see the lights turned on back in January, but the activation got delayed.

However, it’s worth noting that as of Friday afternoon, the timing on the lights seemed off. The Burn was the third car in line at the red light and it went green and then quickly to yellow. Only three cars made it through on that green. Other drivers have reported getting “skipped” in the rotation — in other words, they stopped for a red but didn’t get the green in cycle. Instead, they sat through two rounds before their light went green. We assume this is first day jitters and LoCo DOT will get the lights fine tuned soon.

Meanwhile, another heads up — work is underway to install stoplights at the intersection of Gloucester Parkway and Marblehead Drive in eastern Ashburn near Ray Muth Sr. Park. Look for those soon.