Sponsored Spotlight

Heritage Baptist Church in Ashburn undergoes remarkable transformation

You could say preaching has been a calling of sorts for Steve Miller, the pastor at Heritage Baptist Church in Ashburn. After all, he’s been at it since he was in middle school.

“I’ve always sort of been an extrovert and I never feared public speaking,” Pastor Steve said. So one year while attending a Christian school in Philadelphia, his teacher suggested he try preaching as part of a fine arts competition. He loved it.

“Ever since I was 13, I have never wanted to do anything else,” he said.

Pastor Steve Miller

Now, Pastor Steve is leading the vibrant, growing, and diverse congregation at Heritage, which is located at 21700 Shellhorn Road. (We suggest you Google the location — it’s tucked away on a quiet part of Shellhorn that got separated from the main Shellhorn Road during the area’s many roadway redesigns.)

The church has seen an incredible transformation in the past two years — not just spiritual, but physical as well. The entire building has been completely remodeled.

Heritage and its members are passionate about serving the community and impacting the lives of those in the area.

They have expanded community service including a gift card collection for local single moms and widows, plus a food drive for a local pregnancy center.

They’ve added children’s activities such as an annual Trunk-or-Treat event and a community Easter egg hunt. And they’ve started new Bible studies for people in various walks of life.

This renewal of the church just happens to coincide with the arrival of Pastor Steve and his family. He came during the height of the pandemic when weekly attendance was at a low ebb. Fast forward to this past week, the church saw nearly 400 congregants join together in fellowship on Easter Sunday.

But Pastor Steve brushes away compliments offered to him about the new energy at Heritage. He knows who really gets the credit.

“It’s God’s church,” the pastor said. “He’s doing a great job with it.”

Heritage Baptist Church welcomes everyone to experience the community firsthand by joining them for a service each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. You can learn more about the church at its website here.

(This is a sponsored post on behalf of Heritage Baptist Church.)