Back in May, we reported on how the land where the Chuck E. Cheese restaurant sits in Sterling could be turned into 76 residential units. That’s just outside the Dulles Town Center shopping mall.
Now, the new owner of the mall has greatly expanded on those plans. Srinivas Chavali is looking at adding up to 1,000 residential units in a ring around the shopping mall.
A diagram including in filings with the county show just how significant of a project this would be.
At one time — years ago — there was supposed to be retail and restaurants all around the mall on the many outparcels. But as other commercial centers — such as One Loudoun — got built, the mall and its surrounding property never lived up to its full potential.
That’s the argument that Chavali’s company — Virginia Investment Properties LLC — is making to support the plans for housing instead.
“The Applicant’s proposal will include single-family attached and multi-family stacked units on portions of the Property located outside of Dulles Town Circle,” the filing reads. “The area of the Property is currently either vacant or developed with commercial pad sites and associated parking spaces.”
It continues: “Residents of the proposed homes will have easy access to a wide range of employment, open space, retail, restaurant and entertainment opportunities. In addition, the Property’s existing public transit services connect it with the Innovation Metro Station, Leesburg and Ashburn and various destinations in between.”