
Picture of the Week: Group leaves $1,400 tip at Leesburg IHOP

This isn’t the first time we’ve done a story about Tanya Johnson and her friends leaving a big tip after a holiday breakfast — but it’s such a fun story, it’s worth reporting on it again and making it our Picture of the Week.

This morning, Johnson — a local Realtor — gathered with 15 of her friends at the IHOP restaurant in Leesburg. When she arranged the get-together, she asked the attendees to bring a crisp $100 bill if they were able.

Just as they’ve done in the past, when the meal is over, they leave a stack of “Benjamins” for the lucky waitress who helped them. Today, the bill was $188, so when the cash was set down, it left a little over $1,400 as the tip.

“I just love it,” Johnson told The Burn. “There were probably seven Realtors, a lender, a fitness coach, a hairdresser, an organizing person, a marketing person, and a mover. It was so fun.”

Johnson did the same thing two years ago — when they left $1,900 for a server at the IHOP in Ashburn.