Burning Questions

Burning Question: What is being built next to Ion in Leesburg?

Burning Question: What is going on next to the Ion ice skating (center) in Leesburg? The property has a fence around it. — Paul I.

Well, Paul, I have an answer for you, but you may not be thrilled. Nor will Karla F. who wrote us hoping its either a Denny’s or an IKEA. It is not.

Yes, a large parcel of land along Compass Creek Parkway to the south of the skating facility has been fenced off with a chain link fence. Yes, there is a big, old backhoe (or some similar construction equipment parked there). And yes, a temporary trailer office for the work has been set up nearby.

But look at the sign on the trailer — it says HITT — as in HITT Contracting, one of the largest construction companies in the country (and based right here in Northern Virginia).

In this area, if you see HITT attached to a project, a safe bet is always going to be a data center. And that’s the answer in this case. The land next to ION, across the street from the Leesburg Walmart, is being developed for a data center campus.

For anyone hoping for shops or restaurants (The Burn’s bread and butter), sorry to disappoint you.

If you’ve got a Burning Question for The Burn about something you’ve spotted in the area related to roads, restaurants, retail or other things we cover, send it to  and we’ll see if we can get you an answer.